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FCBC Newsletter

November 2023

It was an extremely busy October with all the activities related to the 2023 PEDAL Summit, and it was the culmination of over a year of planning.  November is already off to a busy start with a lot of bike activities.

With the recent time change for daylight saving time and the shorter days in the fall, now is a good time to check that your bike lights are in good working order.  Remember that a front light is mandatory for night riding.  While only a rear red reflector is required, a flashing red light is highly recommended, and reflectors are also required on the sides of the bike.  Make sure you are visible at night for your safety.

In this month’s Newsletter:

  • Fresno World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2023 will take place on Sunday, November 19 with events at Fresno City Hall.

  • The 2023 PEDAL Summit was a huge success and included several group rides afterwards.

  • Bike Prom was on November 4.

  • GivingTuesday is on November 28, and please consider a donation to FCBC for furthering the mission to build healthy, equitable, and safe communities through advocacy, education, and collaboration that promotes bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation.

  • Nominations to the FCBC Board are open and will also be taken at the next Board meeting, which is on November 17 at 7:30 pm.

World Day of Remembrance

The World Day of Remembrance is Sunday, November 19, and the City of Fresno Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) has organized numerous activities to mark the day.  First at 2:00 pm, a memorial bike ride will begin at City Hall and proceed to Roosevelt High School, where in September a speeding pickup struck numerous students at a bus stop.  At 3:30 pm, there will be a ceremony at City Hall with speakers, including City Councilmembers.  Then at 5:00 pm, a candlelight vigil will be held.

The World Day of Remembrance brings attention to the millions of people who have been killed or seriously injured on roads throughout the world and the impact to the affected victims, families, and communities.  It is also a call to action to prevent more crashes.

Recap of the 2023 PEDAL Summit

Over 100 transportation professionals, bicycle advocates, students, and others gathered at the Fresno Fresno Convention Center Valdez Hall on October 27 for the first-ever international bicycle summit in Fresno.  Keynote speaker Gil Penalosa spoke of the need to create cities for all.  By designing cities for both 8 and 80 year olds, they will be better for all people.  There were additional keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and a mayor’s forum.

The bike summit was preceded by a talk by Gil Penalosa at the San Joaquin River Trust hosted by the U.S Green Building Council Central California and a screening of The Engine Inside - Riding toward a Better Future, sponsored by the East Fresno Rotary.

Sculptor Kathleen King debuted her bike-themed sculptures that will be placed on trails in Fresno.

Following the summit were several rides.  On October 28, there was a ride in the Mural District in Downtown Fresno with Fresno Arts Council mural docent Andrea Mele.  This was followed by a ride of the new cycle tracks on Van Ness, Wishon, Palm, and Belmont Avenues.  The following day was a 46-mile ride of one segment of the Great Central Valley Bike Route Ride with its creator, Michael Smiley.  There was also the WTF (Women, Trans, Femme) bike ride.

Palm and Belmont Bikeway Event

A celebration to commemorate the completion of the new cycle tracks on Palm and Belmont Avenues was held on November 4 and included a bike rodeo organized by the Fresno Parks and Recreation (PARCS) Department, with bikes and helmets given away.  The Bike Station was also there for bike repair.  

Bike Prom 2023

Bike Prom returned on November 4 after a four-year absence, and it was a fun night of bike riding, hanging out at the South of Shaw Beer Company, and generally looking sharp.  

The Bike Station

The Bike Station has already held two events in November, first with the Palm and Belmont cycle track celebration on November 4 and then at Logan Park in northwest Fresno on November 11 to support Jack the Dish bike polo tournament with the peDal jUnkies.  The Bike Station is sponsored by FCBC and allows bike owners to learn how to repair their own bikes with help from experienced mechanics, including FCBC member Julie Congi and Tower Velo owner Chris Eacock.  Stay tuned for future Bike Station events.

GivingTuesday is November 28

FCBC is a 501(c)(3) organization with no paid staff.  The Board and other members volunteer their time and effort to put on great activities to encourage, educate, and advocate for safe bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation.  FCBC depends on membership dues, grants, and donations to pay for expenses, such as the cost of maintaining the website, putting on events, and supporting the Bike Station.  Additional income is occasionally generated when other organizations pay FCBC to put on an event, and all proceeds go to the FCBC coffers to support future events and endeavors.  Please consider a one-time or regular tax-deductible donation to FCBC to allow these efforts to continue.

Upcoming FCBC Board Elections

Board members set the direction, plan the activities, and manage the resources.  There are nine positions, consisting of Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, Secretary, Membership Coordinator, Treasurer, and three Members at Large.  Long-time Treasurer Jack Nelson has decided to retire from the Board after the current term, leaving that position without an incumbent.

Nominations are now open and will be taken in-person at the FCBC Board meeting scheduled for November 16 or online by submittal to elections@fresnobike.org up until nominations are closed at the FCBC Board meeting.  Voting will be held online after the Board meeting until the December general membership meeting, which is scheduled for Friday, December 8, at which time the election results will be announced.  FCBC members are encouraged to nominate other FCBC members or themselves for any of the Board positions except Past Chair, which is not an elected position.  The Past Chair position ensures continuity should a new Chair be elected.  There are no specific requirements to be a Board member other than being a FCBC member and resident within Fresno County.  Because new Board members bring new energy and ideas, all FCBC members should consider becoming a Board member.  More information regarding the duties and election process can be found in the FCBC bylaws, and any questions can be directed to info@fresnobike.org.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 16 at 7:30 pm via Zoom.  Everyone is welcome to join the virtual meeting.  If you would like to participate in the meeting, register here, and you will immediately get the Zoom link.

Fresno County Bicycle Coalition

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