Bike Café

Every second Tuesday at 7 PM FCBC Hosts a virtual Bike Café on Zoom. The topics of discussion vary and we often invite a guest speaker to present. View recordings of past Bike Café events below, or visit our events page to see when the next Bike Café is scheduled.

Thanks to the League of American Bicyclists.

10 Rules for Bicycle Safety

  1. Be safe. Wear a helmet and ride sober.

  2. Do the ABC Quick Check before every ride.

  3. Be lawful. Obey all traffic laws.

  4. Be predictable. Signal all turns and don’t

    swerve between parked cars.

  5. Be visible. Wear bright clothing. At night use

    a white light in front (visible at 300 feet) and a

    red light in back (visible at 500 feet).

  6. Watch ahead. Anticipate what drivers,

    pedestrians, and other cyclists will do. Watch

    for potholes and debris in the roadway.

  7. At intersections, ride in the right-most lane

    traveling in the direction you’re going.

  8. Take the lane if it’s too narrow to share with a

    car, and avoid the door zone.

  9. Carry water for long rides.

  10. Have fun!

ABC Quick Check

Air: Be sure you have enough air in your tires. 

Brakes: Look to see that your brake pads are not worn.
Chain and Cranks: Pull on your cranks to see that they are not loose, and look to see that the chain is not rusted and free of gunk.

Quick Release: Make sure all quick releases are closed.
Check: Take a slow, brief ride to check that your bike is working properly.

Three Feet for Safety Act

Drivers must provide a 3 foot buffer when passing a bicyclist, or when that’s not possible, slow to a reasonable and prudent speed.

(California Vehicle Code 21760)

Bicycles May Use Full Lane

A bicyclist may take a lane if it is too narrow for a vehicle and bicycle to be shared side-by-side safely.

Fresno County Bicycle Coalition @fresnobike #fresnocountybicyclecoalition

Fresno County Bicycle Coalition

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